Thursday, June 5, 2014

To Extend or Not to Extend: That Was the Question

To Extend or Not to Extend, That Was the Question

Yes, I think I might very well be out of my bloody mind.

A year ago if someone, anyone had even suggested that I might extend and spend a third year in Botswana, I would have laughed in their faces. In fact, when Heather Robinson told us at MST that we could elect to COS early so our houses could be available to Bots 14, I raised my hand, sent two emails indicating I was going to take advantage and started planning my return to that side, home, the good ole' USA. I think it was the latter that actually made it real for me...I was leaving, REALLY leaving, after an incredible two years. I realized that the only other experience in my life, my looonnnnggg life, said the mosadi mogolo, that of being a mother, exceeded the impact that being here has had.

When I’m being painfully honest, I admit to myself and others that on many levels I can’t say I like Botswana. But then I remind myself that the very reasons I don’t, are the same reasons that brought me here in the first place. I wouldn’t be here, Peace Corps wouldn’t be here, Botswana wouldn’t need us, need me, if not for these reasons. And there is one very significant thing I absolutely love about this country, besides the kids, the wonderful I LOVE me here. Botswana, the Peace Corps, has brought out the best, the very best in me, at least I think so. I think it has made me more innovative, more patient, kinder and even more beautiful (if that was possible) both internally and externally.
I have been able to accomplish so much here and these accomplishments have, for me, seriously outweighed the failures, some of which were spectacular. I think the cliché that says no man is a prophet in his own land rather accurately applies to me here in Botswana. Here I am able to do, be so much more than I was, usually, at home. I’m not just good at what I do, I’m incredible! Yes, I know that it’s only in comparison and that it’s a different standard but oh what it does for my ego. I wanted to be better and here, I am. I’m not ready to give that up yet.

Admittedly, staying a third year was not my first choice. I wanted to do PC Response in Tanzania. Since 1974 when I first decided that, someday, I would join Peace Corps, I always envisioned myself in Africa, in general, and Tanzania specifically. I saw myself reading to and surrounded by little Black kids, sitting under a blazing African sun outside of a traditional hut. And damn if that didn’t come true here in Botswana! I may still try to do a full tour in Tanzania, if they’ll have me, climb Kilimanjaro and swim in the Indian Ocean off Zanzibar. But, in the meantime, I will stay here in Botswana, happily so, excited about my new role, teaching at the College of Education, my new village, Serowe, and the new friends I will undoubtedly make. I have gotten as good as I gave, for the most part.

And no, Richard did not factor into this decision one bit, he he he. That’s just icing on the preverbal cake


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