Monday, September 1, 2014

Third Time Not the Charm: Part Deux

This month marks my third year anniversary in Botswana. It also takes the countdown to three months.....I'm outta here in THREE MOTHER FUCKING MONTHS and its pretty much the only thing keeping me here. I just have three mother fucking months to go.....I can do it but damn its hard.

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

If you are a facebook friend, you may have seen my note today about being so frustrated with my third year that I left work and came home to take a four hour nap. It was better than bitch slapping my counterpart....barely.

Got an email from a PC staff that had the 'unenviable' task of telling me I wasn't getting a shadow this year. Why unenviable? I wasn't expecting a shadow since I live in the training village. I offered to host anyone that wouldn't be able to travel. But apparently I am now viewed as being, what, uncooperative? Spoiled? Difficult? I think I may be one of the most cooperative volunteers in country, always stepping up, offering to do whatever I can whenever I can. But because I drew a line in the sand on two occasions (the first, refusing to attend the original Bots 11 Life Skills retreat offered by the Ministry of Education;  second more recent, refusing to let my 3rd year project be gutted to satisfy the CD's political agenda) and let it be known on no uncertain terms, you do NOT get to fuck with me and simply get away with it.

 My application to do another full tour was rejected and suspect that was the result of my refusing to list the CD as a reference. I have appealed but don't really care if its approved. I've had enough of the petty beauracacy that is Peace Corps.

And, please understand it certainly hasn't been ALL bad. My new house, even though it was making me seriously ill, my dog, Shepard!

Turning Sexty Too
He said I was stunning!


Saying good bye, hard but wonderful
Spanish Club
New student orientation
Camp in Ranaka

The people I've met and will treasure forever, doing some things and being so appreciated.

Owning the Slide at Cultural Day

Rekindling an old connection that has intriguing possibilities.
But it could have all been so much better. I hold myself responsible, accountable but damn you Peace Corps, it didn't have to end like this.

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