Saturday, August 23, 2014

101 Things I Will NOT Miss About Botswana: 1-10

As I get closer to leaving Botswana, for real this time, I find myself in a serious exit stance. There are things I realize I will certainly miss (an earlier serial blog) about this country and it's surrounds. But there are things, 101, more or less, come to mind, I will ABSOLUTELY NOT MISS. Here are #s 1-10:

1. The weather!!  It is either too fucking hot or too fucking cold, always except for maybe 7 minutes a year. And who knew AFRICA especially SOUTHERN AFRICA got cold enough to snow??? I was told the only place it snowed in Africa was Mt. Killy!

Me freezing in Moremi

2. Insects, especially mosquitos. I so so so so very tired of getting bit and my new, marvelous home is apparently where moths come to die. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the importance of insects...pollination, clean up crews, yadda yadda yadda....but damn, what does that have to do with getting in my hair??  My food and you cannot nuke ants. Who knew?

3. Stereotyping and 'isms'. Sometimes it is cultural but sometimes they really are just trying to punk ya (right, Paco?). I'm tired of being judged and put into 'boxes' based on my gender, my age, my sex, my nationality, my ethnicity just so YOU can feel comfortable. Yeah, yeah, I know it happens everywhere but in a country that is relatively small with only 2 million, its damn difficult to find like minded, experienced people where I can just be the phenomenon that is me. Oh, and I am NOT white.

4. Faux Skittles. Now that was just cruel.

5. The same food over and over and over regardless of the occasion. I grew up with food that is similar to paleche, samp et al (grits, hominy, home grown chicken) and I won't be sorry to leave it behind again, except for fat cakes. Fat cakes rule!

6. Skinny, starving dogs are not ok. Neither is it ok to mistreat donkeys or any other animals. Shame on you.

7. Corporal punishment. I know, you're not surprised. Even though its legal here, I will never be ok with hitting kids. The long term damage far far outweighs the dubious and limited short term effects.

8. Gender inequality and gender based violence. Women, girls do NOT 'fall' pregnant by their selves. Rape is rape is rape whether its within a marriage or not and has NOTHING to do with what she was wearing.


10. Ga ke na madi, dammit. Being asked for every fucking body - colleagues, kids, strangers.  


  1. You raise them up just being around, Dauphina! I wish you joy and lactaid and a safe trip home!

    Do you know of South African comedian Trevor Noah? His mother is Xhosa and his father is white and Swiss. He says on his tour of the US he was constantly taken for Latino, and told, "African? You look like grew up in the shade!"

    1. Oh, lactaid!! No, don't know Trevor Noah. Only here could I possibly be considered 'white' (read that to mean 'western') but believe me, the white folks here don't consider me white.
