Saturday, July 14, 2012

40 Years in the Making

Well, I think I finally got the gist of this!  Hello from Moshupa, Botswana and my first blog post.  We, Bots 11, have been here for 10 months and it has been equal parts excruiciatingly wonderful, scary as hell and gut wrenchingly lonely.  I have turned sexty (sixty - thanks Ashley), missed two weddings, the birth of two great nephews, and the deaths of my last paternal aunt (the last of my father's sibs) and a high school classmate.  I have become closer to my children, the intrepid Khalil and the indescribely (can't spell worth a damn) wonderful Kamani, the further from them I have ever been.

I have met people I know I will call friend for the rest of my life, seen sights only imagined before and found in myself strengths and weaknesses, prejudices and glories only previously hinted at (don't end a sentence with a preposition).  Doing some of the best writing of my life and getting younger, more beautiful and wiser (I hope) every day!

Monkey mom and baby in Gabs

Me looking damn good with damn good looking Paco

The Magnificent 7 in Maun

Dancing our asses off at the PC 50th Anniversary

'Tanned, tough and gorgeous'

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Your spelling is correct, your insights interesting.
