Friday, May 3, 2013


One of the hardest things about serving in the Peace Corps, especially, I think in Africa, is wondering if you are really making a difference. We give up so much, want to give so much and have such expectations including getting as good as we give, that its probably impossible not to be disappointed to some degree. This feeling is not unique to Peace Corps service, I know, but it does seem to be exacerbated by it. Combine that with serving in a literally life and death capacity dealing with HIV/AIDS and the feeling like you are failing and failing spectacularly is sometimes hard to shake.

We are told, and rightfully so, that we are indeed making a difference. We just might not see it, that the fruit of this tree will not ripen while we are here. The teacher teaches, the artist creates and may never actually see the long term impact, influence.

Today, a teacher at my new school, told me about her son, who was a student at my former school. He needed some money and came to her. She said she would help with 15% of the fees he needed covered. He countered with 35%. She upped her offer to 25% and he went to 30%, where they settled. She complimented him on his negotiation skills and he said, "I learned how to negotiate from Mma Henderson."


It made my day! Add to that the incredible letter I recently got from my Headmaster, and, you know what, maybe, just maybe, I am making a difference. It may not be the one I envisioned but it ain't shabby! The kids make it all worthwhile....most of the time.