Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Batshit Crazy

A year, I, we have been here a year. Most of us, Bots 11, came together last weekend to celebrate this milestone.  We commiserated,

drank, played, and generally just enjoyed being together.  I can hardly believe we made it this far, with only two losses, the greatly missed Munsons.  Of course, it also gave me pause to look back on this incredible year and I have come to the following conclusion - 98% of the people I've met here are BATSHIT crazy. 
This includes the Motswana, PCVs, ex-pats, Afrikaners, Peace Corps staff, young, old, male, female etc etc etc (in my best Yul Brynner as the King of Siam voice). Now, there are varying degrees of crazy, ranging from mildly batshit to Grand Mal Batshit crazy and fortunately most of us, myself included I hope, fall in the mild range.  But, I have most def met some in the outer limits of the Grand Mal category.  Case in point, and I am changing names to protect myself from these psychos, two of my colleagues came to blows recently. Yep, they got physical! One bitch (two guys) slapped the other who punched back. Police got involved.
They had not been speaking to each other for the past several weeks and behaving like spoiled, stupid children, telling me and others what they should be saying to each other, trying to play everyone against each other. Serious allegations of sexual harrassment (not each other), alcohol abuse and more, nasty letters to EVERY DAMN BODY. But, this just blew me away,  they are both still there!! WTF??
I know this could've happened anywhere but still.....Put it on top of painting ones finger and toe nails in the office instead of teaching, expecting the parents of current students to pay for damage done by students two years ago, having unprotected sex with others in the room....batshit crazy.